Shenhuo Seiko Nanjing Communication Technology Co., Ltd
Optic Fiber Equipment & Test Instrument Suppliers

Everything You Need to Know About Fiber Optics Cable

September 11 , 2020
In the recent years, fiber optics is steadily replacing copper wires. It is a better and apt means of transmitting communication signals. Today, fiber optics cable span across long distances between local phone systems. In addition, it also serves as the backbone for many networking systems including:

Cable TV services
University campus
Office buildings
Industrial plants
Electric utility companies
Internet connectivity
Stereo systems
Telephone systems
Fiber Optics Cable use pulses of light to transfer data using the event of total internal reflection. The cable has a coating of plastic. This protects the cable from exposure to heat, cold, and other weather atrocities. It also protects the cable from electromagnetic interference and ultraviolet rays of sun.

A fiber optics cable system is very similar to the metal wire system. The fiber optics is replacing the metal and copper wire system. The basic difference is that fiber optics uses light to transmit data; whereas metal wires do not. It sends the data down the fiber lines instead of using electronic pulses for transmitting data like in the metal wires.

Fiber Optics Cables serve the purpose of connecting and transferring data across continents. They are fast and they can carry large capacity. The signals have higher strength and need least maintenance.

Types Of Fiber Optics Cables
There are three types of fiber optic cable commonly in use. They are single mode, multimode, and plastic optical fiber or photonic fiber. Transparent glass or plastic fiber allows the guiding of light from one end to the other with minimal loss is the most efficient.

Single Mode
In a single mode fiber, the core diameter reduces to few wavelengths of the incoming light. For a beam with 0.55 μm of wavelength, the core diameter must be of the order of 4.5 μm.

In this fiber, the core diameter is much greater than the wavelength of the transmitted light. The transmission of number of modes is simultaneous. The possible ways in which, light travels inside the fiber is relative to the fiber modes. The primary mode travels parallel to the axis of the fiber. Therefore, it takes the minimum time to reach the end of the fiber.

When an incoming beam enters with an angle relative to the fiber axis, the light follows a longer path. Thus, it takes a little longer to reach the end. When you increase the core diameter, you can increase the transmission of number of modes.

Fiber Optics Cable Connectors
Fiber optics cable connectors make flexible connections possible. Fiber optics cable connectors are generally in use where flexibility is in need. Fiber optics cable connectors are also a necessity at termination points when an optical signal routes.

Numerous connectors, both standard and proprietary, are in use in the field of telecommunication equipment, data lines, television, cable, and other industrial fields. The connectors described in this text are the ones that are under extensive use in the past. Many are still under use this very day.
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